Captain America Civil War

Captain America Civil War 2016 Movie Poster

Captain America Civil War 10 out of 10 A Robot Outlaw Movie Review A great film to watch in 3D, but a must-have for your personal movie collection I just watched Captain America Civil War again on Digital Video and I have to tell you, I like it even more then the first time I […]

Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice

Batman vs Superman Movie Poster

Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice 8 out of 10 A Robot Outlaw Movie Review Amazing visuals and great action sequences Contrary to most critics (and fans) expectations, I found Ben Affleck’s Batman to be a quite interesting and very complex character. Straight out of the comic book, this Batman is older and more cynical […]

Suicide Squad 2016

Suicide Squad 2016 Movie Poster

Robot Outlaw Movie Reviews Suicide Squad 2016 (8 out of 10) Suicide Squad 2016 turned out to be a not-so family-friendly blockbuster film for the summer. Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn steals the whole movie, and Will Smith as Deadshot holds his own. By far the best thing about this movie are the characters and […]

Spider-Man 2002

Spider-Man 2002 Movie Poster

A Robot Outlaw Movie Review Spider-Man 2002 Spider-Man 2002 is definitely one of my favorite superhero movies of all time and there is almost nothing wrong with this film other than some minor CGI issues. If you love this character as much as I do, then it’s not hard to suspend disbelief and enjoy the […]

Last Man Standing 1996

Last Man Standing 1996 Movie Poster

A Robot Outlaw Movie Review Last Man Standing 1996 Last Man Standing 1996 stars Bruce Willis, Bruce Dern and the incomparable Christopher Walkin. Willis, Walkin and Dern all turn in outstanding performances and this is a movie worth having in your collection. It’s both a Western and a Gangster Film and it delivers plenty of […]

Blade Runner 1982

Blade Runner 1982 Movie Poster

A Robot Outlaw Movie Review Blade Runner 1982 Blade Runner 1982 is the gold standard for 80’s Science Fiction film making. Directed by Ridley Scott, starring Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer. This movie is easily in my top 5 of all time and I give it a perfect score every time I watch it. Starring: […]

iRobot 2004

iRobot 2004 Movie Poster

A Robot Outlaw Movie Review iRobot 2004 iRobot 2004 starring Will Smith is based on the science fiction short story iRobot by Isaac Asimov published in 1942. It was one of Asimov’s best known stories. The film takes place in a future where robots are used for every task imaginable and have been rendered almost […]

War of the Worlds 2005

War of the Worlds 2005 Movie Poster

A Robot Outlaw Movie Review War of the Worlds 2005 War of the Worlds 2005 directed by Steven Spielberg starring Tom Cruise as a single dad trying to save his family during an alien invasion. Based on the HG Wells novel War of the Worlds published 1898. The movie does a good job of retelling […]